2023-24 FLINT HILL
Sharing Husky Gratitude

Patrick McHonett
Head of School
patrickmchonett Welcome to Flinstagram - our Annual Report on Your Philanthropy! Whether you showed up by giving to the Flint Hill Fund, welcoming a new family, volunteering at concessions or a school event, organizing a parent meet-up to build community, or helping to plan an event or reunion, YOU made a difference. Thank you.
Meredith VanDuyne
Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement
meredithvanduyne THANK YOU! Overall, our community contributed over $1.8 million to Flint Hill last year through the Flint Hill Fund, Momentum, restricted giving, and the support of the Parents' Association activities. We would not be able to do all that we do without our incredible community.
Christine Dwyer
LS Language Arts Department Chair and 6th Grade Language Arts Teacher
christinedwyer Looking for a good book? Check out these recommendations from our Huskies! Our students have the opportunity to explore a diverse selection of books in the classroom that not only help them learn about other people's experiences and cultures, but also about life skills such as perseverance, bravery, and sustainability. This kind of cross-disciplinary learning and teaching to the whole child is at the heart of the Flint Hill experience.
Melissa Bradian
US History and Social Sciences Teacher

    Byrnes Family Foundation
    Restricted Gift: The Charles Kenney WWII Legacy Trip

    Mr. and Mrs. Randall W. Byrnes
    Restricted Gift: The Charles Kenney WWII Legacy Trip

    Mr. and Mrs. Otis D. Coston Jr.
    John M. Thomas Endowed Scholarship Fund

    Mr. and Mrs. David G. B. Lindsay
    The Lindsay Family Scholarship Fund

    David B. Lindsay Foundation Inc.
    The Lindsay Family Scholarship Fund

    Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Schaffer
    Restricted Gift: Athletics

    Schaffer Family Giving Fund
    Restricted Gift: Athletics

    melissabradian Thanks to a generous donor, four students and two chaperones had an amazing experience on the Charles Kenney Legacy Trip this summer in Normandy. They explored the beaches and sites of this historic area and learned about the sacrifice of the brave men and women who fought there for freedom. It is this kind of experience that can happen when a donor's vision is brought to life.
    Deanna Sarpong
    6th Grade Teacher
    deannasarpong Not all learning takes place in the classroom as our 6th graders learned when they visited the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. These students experienced active democracy as a form of government by analyzing an issue and voting as members of Congress. It's these kinds of real life experiences that make this school special and are made possible by the support of our community.
    Dewayne Robinson
    Director of Athletics
    dewaynerobinson Did you know that Flint Hill has an award-winning climbing team? In addition to more traditional sports, our Athletics Department strives to provide additional opportunities for fitness and strength as well as team building. We are excited to able to offer these kinds of unique athletic opportunities to our students.
    Meredith VanDuyne
    Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement
    meredithvanduyne THANK YOU! You made this a record-breaking year through your generous support of the Flint Hill Fund!

    Erika Caruthers
    5th Grade Teacher
    erikacaruthers Our students are able to explore many different genres of writing and reading because of the expertise of our teachers. At the annual 5th Grade Poetry Cafe, students celebrated National Poetry Month by reciting their own poems in front of an audience. Enjoy this recitation of "Ode to Mac n Cheese" by Ryan Farahani '31.
    Chris Kitzmiller
    Director of the Flint Hill Fund

    chriskitzmiller Thank you to our incredible team of Flint Hill Fund volunteers! It takes every one of us to pull the sled.
    Andrew Tran
    MS and US Technology and Instruction Specialist
    andrewtran Have you ever wondered what enzymes are and how your organs actually help to keep you alive? It's not just reading about it in a book, but being able to engage in a hands-on experiment to understand it. Because our students had access to the necessary equipment, 8th graders investigated how the liver is responsible for neutralizing excess hydrogen peroxide produced by the body to combat foreign microbes, an enzymatic process marked by an increase in temperature, oxygen gas, and water production. Here is a reflection on this experiment when students pushed through a slight ick factor to observe a daily process that takes place in their own bodies.
    Patrick McHonett
    Head of School

      Mr. Julian J. Amankwah '24
      Miss Nia Y. Ashenafi '24
      Mr. Campbell G. Bailey '24
      Miss Sahana Bajaj '24
      Miss Lillian E. Barnes '24
      Miss Isabella D. Bloom '24
      Miss Caroline E. Brewczak '24
      Mr. John M. Calhoon '24
      Mr. Ryan C. Castleberry '24
      Mr. Andrew J. Churchey '24
      Mr. Christopher Ding '24
      Miss Michayla L. Eisenberg '24
      Mr. John L. Finkelstein '24
      Mr. Kai Genieser '24
      Miss Shanyar Ghaderi '24
      Miss Anna M. Giuliani '24
      Mr. Quinlan D. Gorman '24
      Mr. Lukas R. J. Gramss '24
      Mr. Logan J. Gundlach '24
      Miss Chanel A. Harvey '24
      Miss Kylie I. Hazen '24
      Mr. Jayden W. Johnson '24
      Miss Zumyna Kabir '24
      Mr. Riley T. Keith '24
      Mr. Andrew J. King '24
      Mr. Adrian V. Kladakis '24
      Mr. Trent M. Knapp '24
      Miss Samantha R. Lu '24
      Miss Hayley K. Lublin '24
      Miss Sarah D. Manson '24
      Miss Delaney M. Miller '24
      Mr. Samuel J. Min '24
      Mr. James F. Murphy Jr. '24
      Mr. Nathaniel A. Naylor '24
      Miss Caroline M. Norberg '24
      Mr. Ayomide A. Obisesan '24
      Miss Emma N. Quach '24
      Miss Anwen R. Reed '24
      Miss Hannah J. Reeder '24
      Mr. Spencer Rothka '24
      Mr. Kalin A. Sheth '24
      Miss Skylar P. Smith '24
      Mr. Rohan S. Suri '24
      Miss Olivia K. O. Tan '24
      Mr. Timothy Tang '24
      Miss Angelika S. Utagawa '24
      Mr. Nicholas A. Visaggio '24
      Miss Vy B. Vo '24
      Miss Ellison K. Washburn '28
      Mr. Hagan H. Washburn '32
      Miss Linden S. Washburn '33
      Miss Maren F. Washburn '30
      Mr. Patrick Wilson '24
      Miss Claire Wu '24
      Mr. Kevin Zhang '24

      patrickmchonett Whether they started with us at age 4 or 14, the members of the Class of 2024, along with their families and our faculty and staff, have been on a journey during their time at Flint Hill. This is the group that entered high school at an uncertain time – the fall of 2020. These students have weathered uncertainty, pivots, and changes, and have emerged stronger, smarter, and – perhaps – more steeled than any 18-year-old should be. They've shown grit and determination, while also pressing us to define a new normal that prioritizes health and wellbeing, creativity and connections, and an ongoing commitment to our Husky community. We are so proud of the Class of 2024 and are excited to see what they do next!
      Michele Scadron
      Kindergarten Teacher
      michelescadron Experiential learning is all part of the Flint Hill experience. Because our teachers have access to all of the necessary resources, our students have been able to explore hands-on activities not just inside the classroom, but throughout the surrounding community. Check out the trip our Kindergarten classes took last year to Frying Pan Farm Park to enhance their study of plant and animal needs.
      Gary Smilowitz
      MS Science Teacher and US Innovation Teacher
        garysmilowitz How many 7th graders do you know who have built satellites? Well, our Flint Hill students did! Our 7th grade Earth and Space Science students designed, imagined, and built satellites, and successfully placed them in "orbit" in our Middle School project spaces. For each satellite, they created a sensor, each representing one of the six major systems that keep the satellites in orbit and focused on the Earth — power, communication, attitude control, thermal control, data handling, and propulsion. The sensors also represented units of study in their science class this year: earth’s structure; minerals and rocks; weathering, erosion, and deposition; plate tectonics; earthquakes and volcanoes; atmosphere and weather.
        Olivia Landrum '11
        Advancement Officer and Head Dance Team Coach

        Mr. Scott McCandless, Parents' Association President

        Ms. Shereen Abdel-Nabi
        Mrs. Stephanie S. Anderson
        Mrs. Rejera Arnold
        Ms. Chhavi Arya
        Mr. George Atalla
        Mrs. Claudia Augenstein
        Mrs. Alexis Balkissoon
        Mrs. Wanda B. Bergeron
        Mrs. Diana G. Blanco
        Mrs. Julia Blizzard
        Mrs. Cristiana Brafman Kittner
        Mrs. Felicia Buchanan-Jones
        Mrs. Jessica E. B. Carter
        Ms. Jennifer Clayton
        Mrs. Shelly Chahel Cooper '01
        Mrs. Paula Currall
        Mrs. Lisa A. DeVaul
        Ms. Tanita Durant
        Mrs. Farnaz Farahani
        Dr. Chrissy Foster
        Mrs. Barbara A. Frank
        Mrs. Viny Frontin
        Mrs. Mary K. Gillespie
        Mr. Christian Gordy
        Mrs. Maya B. Gramenopoulos
        Mrs. Regina Gramss
        Mrs. Stephanie F. Greene
        Ms. Jill Hood
        Mrs. Christa J. S. Houser
        Ms. Tamara L. Ilaria
        Mr. Greg Jacobsen
        Mrs. Moira Jacobsen
        Mrs. Rae Ann S. Johnson
        Mrs. Amy C. Jones
        Mrs. Caroline E. Katzin
        Mrs. Lauren V. Kinard
        Mrs. Kesha Kingswell
        Ms. Holly C. Kortright
        Mr. Michael J. Lampart
        Mrs. Karen Landwehr
        Mrs. Tanya L. Loyd
        Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lucca
        Mrs. Magdalene A. Lytton
        Mrs. Kristin Magur
        Mrs. Jennifer H. McCandless
        Mrs. Jessica McHonett
        Mrs. Susan E. McWilliams
        Mrs. Molisa Meholic
        Mrs. Courtney K. Mehr
        Ms. Kathryn M. Meredith
        Mrs. Cerissa Michl
        Mrs. Chrisie Moritz
        Mrs. Susan L. Murphy
        Mrs. Ashna Nayyar
        Mrs. Cindy O'Kane
        Mrs. Karyn Patino
        Mrs. Lauryn A. Pomeroy
        Mr. Mani Qazi
        Mrs. Kristen Rachinsky
        Ms. Sarah Randall
        Ms. Alissa Redding
        Mr. Leslie B. Rhodes
        Mr. Brian W. Schoeneman, Esq.
        Mrs. KayAnn P. Schoeneman
        Mrs. Manisha Shah
        Mrs. Rupa Shah
        Ms. Shamika Shahid
        Mrs. Kasey Simons
        Dr. Erica E. Sok
        Mr. Vasilis Staikos
        Mrs. Jennifer B. Starr
        Mr. Goodwin H. Taylor III
        Mrs. Lori Tempesta
        Mrs. Sarah E. Trimmer
        Mrs. Kahni Uzzell
        Mr. Shiv Varma
        Mrs. Jennifer R. Washburn
        Mrs. Lissett D. Weinmann
        Dr. Alexis D. Wilson
        Mrs. Carmen A. Wright
        Mrs. Yongmei Zhao

        olandrum Thank you to all of the incredible volunteers who make Flint Hill the special community it is. From hosting parent meet-ups to selling concessions to celebrating our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week and so much more, our school benefits from the active involvement of parents who show up for our students, teachers, and each other.
        Nikki Brugnoli
        US Art Teacher
        nikkibrugnoli Visit the Upper School Art Show with Hannah Reeder '24 whose artwork shaped her Flint Hill experience. Hannah is a storyteller. Her two and three-dimensional, mixed-media work reveals her deep connection to and respect for nature. She has worked tirelessly to tell a story about her concerns within the natural world and humanity's contribution to its decline. At the same time, she has used her various mediums to explore her own evolving identity, discovering strengths, perhaps unknown, and giving them form and shape. Our students are able to fully explore their passions because they have access to rigorous art classes and the necessary materials because of the resources at Flint Hill.
        Jen Fiske
        5th Grade Teacher
        jenfiske Here's another recitation from our 5th Grade creative writers, this time from Gabriel Doll '31 who shares his original poem, "The Gifts of Nature." Students went through the writing process by first planning, then drafting, revising, and finally publishing their original works. Poetry is often deeply personal and can leave authors feeling vulnerable.
        Maria Taylor
        Director of Alumni Relations

          Anonymous (5)
          Ms. Sydney M. Abell '19
          Ms. Carah P. Abod '14
          Mr. Kavon N. Akhtar '06
          Mr. Kyle S. Amey '06
          Mr. Richard E. Armstrong IV '12
          Ms. Tiam K. AzabDaftari '19
          Ms. Jennifer L. Copeland Bartholomew '95
          Ms. Alexandra L. Bettius '03
          Ms. Cassandra W. Biggs '15
          Ms. Avishka M. Boppudi '20
          Mr. William D. Breen '14
          Ms. Natalie D. Brendsel '13
          Mr. Eliot B. Brenner '67
          Mr. Bruce F. Briglia '14
          Mr. Matthew M. Bryant '97
          Ms. Natalie Chanfreau '12
          Mr. Bennett G. Chess '21
          Ms. Catherine H. Chess '14
          Mr. Connor T. Chess '13
          Ms. Phoebe C. Chess '18
          Mrs. Shelly Chahel Cooper '01
          Mr. Jeffrey C. Copeland '10
          Ms. Lauren G. Copeland '09
          Ms. Melinda B. Curley '99
          Ms. Dianne Davis H '67
          Mrs. Abby D. Fuchs de Goey '03
          Mrs. Becca Sigal DePippo '08
          Mr. Andrew L. Doll '03
          Ms. Hannah G. Donegan '13
          Mr. Andrew J. Dubill '92
          Mr. Scott C. Dutton '06
          Mr. Patrick M. Emery '01
          Mr. Emani T. Fenton '07
          Ms. Jacqueline J. Fraley '18
          Ms. Elizabeth Anne Glover '93
          Mrs. Elizabeth Spiker Gooch '93
          Dr. Blair P. Gormley '91
          Ms. Candace A. Grand Pré '99
          Ms. Suzanne M. Grand Pré '03
          Ms. Anna V. K. Hemmer '23
          Mr. Christopher S. Herlihy '09
          Mrs. Deborah L. Hoffmaster Hoch '69
          Mrs. Melissa J. Bosco Hodges '05
          Ms. Claire C. Holman '07
          Ms. Carolyn C. Holran '17
          Mr. Steve Horvath '77
          Ms. Toi M. Howard '19
          Mrs. Reagan A. Fox Johnson '14
          Mr. Hooks K. Johnston IV '15
          Mr. John J. Kallas '18
          Mr. Richard P. Kallas '22
          Ms. Trinidad A. Kechkian '17
          Mr. Buemjune Kim '23
          Mr. John L. Knieriem '19
          Ms. Mardy L. Kramer '19
          Ms. Nixon L. Kramer '19
          Dr. A. Zachary Krug '95
          Dr. Andrew M. Kulak '06
          Ms. Olivia M. Landrum '11
          Mrs. Susan K. Hiser Latimer '68
          Mr. Zongrun Li '23
          Mr. Joshua R. Lisker '16
          Mr. Samuel R. Lisker '15
          Mrs. Alison Merrill Lopez '90
          Mr. Seamus O. Lynch '18
          Ms. Lucy S. Mathias Mayer '07
          Mr. Corey A. McCarten '14
          Mrs. Dorothy Lear Mooney '74
          Mrs. Sarah H. Harrell Morgan '70
          Mrs. Rebecca C. Morris '07
          Mr. Andrew M. Pacala '06
          Mrs. Ann E. Cole Paciulli '69
          Mr. Orlo C. Paciulli III '68
          Ms. Kori D. Parker '23
          Mr. Christopher M. Peterson '09
          Mr. Nicholas J. Peterson '14
          Mr. Timothy D. Peterson '10
          Mrs. Mary F. Kirk Pickel '68
          Mr. Daven N. Pillai '17
          Mr. Dhruv G. Pillai '19
          Mrs. Virginia L. Hazel Potter '99
          Mr. Robert A. Purcell '63
          Mrs. Shea Patrick Reynolds '12
          Mr. Michael H. Robinson '07
          MAJ James C. Runk, USAF (Ret.) '73
          Mr. Scott M. Schillereff '05
          Ms. Sara A. Schlegel '08
          LCDR Keven P. Schreiber, JAGC, USN '01
          Mr. James P. Shuler '10
          Ms. Julia Sigal '11
          Ms. M. Garnett Soles '93
          Mr. Robert M. Spencer '09
          Mr. Bradley J. Stocking '97
          Mr. M. Colin Sullivan '01
          Ms. Lauren E. Tanner '19
          Ms. Ellen V. Turner '01
          2nd Lt. William G. VanOrden, USMC '16
          Mrs. Sarah E. DeRose Vaxmonsky '92
          Mr. Aidan P. B. Wheeler '18
          Mr. Brendan T. K. Wheeler '20
          Ms. Courtney L. Wiley '14
          Ms. Lindsey V. Wiley '16
          Mr. Julian A. Wills '09
          Ms. Beverly S. Winston '74
          Mrs. Ann Lunger Wyborski H '95
          Mr. Zain S. Zahir '19
          Ms. Khadijeh V. K. Zarafshar '04

          mariataylor Once a Husky, always a Husky - and many of the connections that started when students attended Flint Hill last well into their futures. Friendship among Flint Hill alums is strong - and it can be seen as they celebrate major life events, from weddings to celebrating babies and more.
          Flint Hill Mascot
          Flint Hill Fund - Parent Donors

          klondike Lead the Pack Challenge - we asked, and YOU answered! In April, I challenged parents in each division to increase participation in this year's Flint Hill Fund with a celebration if they reached the goal that was set. After Lower School families reached their goal, our youngest Huskies LOVED the opportunity to wear their comfiest and coziest PJs to school. Thank you to all who participated!
          Teena Hahn
          LS Computer Science Teacher
          teenahahn What's more fun than coding? Coding robots to compete in a jousting session! We guided students on creating their own algorithms and robots for the Ultimate Joust challenge in 4th grade. Our access to technology, materials, and programs for our youngest Huskies primes them to take on any tech challenge they may face. Who won the battle?